研究成果 |
各班のTOPに移動⇒A01班 A02班 B01班 B02班 C01班 C02班 公募研究
>>> 発表論文ハイライトはこちら
>>>発表論文以外のアウトリーチ活動はこちら |
■研究項目A 「ストレス応答の素過程解明」 |
■計画研究 A01 「複合ストレスに対するサンゴ―褐虫藻共生系の応答」
Isomura N, Iwao K, Fukami H (2013) Possible Natural Hybridization of Two Morphologically Distinct Species of Acropora (Cnidaria, Scleractinia) in the Pacific: Fertilization and Larval Survival Rates. PLoS ONE 8(2) e56701. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056701.
Yuyama I, Ito Y, Watanabe T, Hidaka , Suzuki Y, Nishida M (2012) Differential gene expression in juvenile polyps of the coral Acropora tenuis exposed to thermal and chemical stresses. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 430–431: 17–24. doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2012.06.020.
Yamashiro H, Mikame Y, Suzuki H (2012) Localized outbreak of attached diatoms on the coral Montipora due to low-temperature stress.
Sci. Rep. 2, 552. doi:10.1038/srep00552.
Yuyama I, Harii S, Hidaka M(2012) Algal
symbiont type affects gene expression in juveniles of the coral Acropora tenuis exposed to thermal stress. Marine Environmental Research 76: 41-47.
Nesa B, Baird AH, Harii S, Yakovleva I, Hidaka M (2012) Algal symbionts increase DNA damage in coral planulae exposed to sunlight. Zoological Studies 51: 12-17.
Yasuda N, Nakano Y, Yamashiro H, Hidaka M (2012) Skeletal structure and progression of growth anomalies in Porites australiensis in Okinawa, Japan. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 97: 237-247. doi: 10.3354/dao02408.
Iguchi A, Ozaki S, Nakamura T, Inoue M, Tanaka Y, Suzuki A, Kawahata H, Sakai K (2012) The effect of acidified seawater on coral calcification and symbiotic algae of a massive coral Porites australiensis. Marine Environmental Research 73: 32-36. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2011.10.008.
Nakajima Y, Nishikawa A, Iguchi A, Sakai K (2012) The population genetic approach delineates the species boundary of reproductively isolated corymbose acroporid corals. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 63: 527-531. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2012.01.006.
Nakamura M, Ohki S, Suzuki A, Sakai K (2011) Coral larvae under ocean acidification: survival, metabolism, and metamorphosis. PLoS ONE 6 e14521. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014521.
van Woesik R, Sakai K, Ganase A, Loya Y (2011) Revisiting the winners and the losers a decade after coral bleaching. Marine Ecology Progress Series 434: 67–76. doi: 10.3354/meps09203.
Yuyama I, Watanabe T, Takei Y (2011) Profiling differential gene expression of symbiotic and aposymbiotic corals using a high coverage gene expression profiling (HiCEP) analysis. Mar. Biotechnol. 12: 1436-2236.
Shinzato C, Shoguchi E, Kawashima T, Hamada M, Hisata K, Tanaka M, Fujie M, Fujiwara M, Koyanagi R, Ikuta T, Fujiyama A, Miller DJ, Satoh N (2011) Using the Acropora digitifera genome to understand coral responses to environmental change. Nature doi:10.1038/nature10249.
Iguchi A, Shinzato C, Foret S, Miller DJ (2011) Identification of fast-evolving genes in the scleractinian coral Acropora using
comparative EST analysis. PLoS ONE 6:e20140.
Nesa B, *Hidaka M (2009) High zooxanthella density shortens the survival time of coral cell aggregates under thermal stress. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 368: 81-87.
Harii S, Yasuda N, Lodoriguez-Lanetty, Irie T, Hidaka M (2009) Onset of symbiosis and distribution patterns of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the larvae of scleractinian corals. Mar. Biol. 156: 1203-1212.
Nesa B, Hidaka M (2009) Thermal stress increases oxidative DNA damage in coral cell aggregates. Proc 11th Int Coral Reef Symp (Florida) 144-148.
Yakovleva IM, *Hidaka M (2009) Survey of mycosporine-like amino acids in different morphotypes of the coral Galaxea fascicularis from Okinawa, Japan. Galaxea JCRS 11: 109-118.
Itoh A (2009) Multi-element profiling analyses of seawater in coral reef area and the biogeochemical processes of trace metals in bivalve with symbiotic zooxanthellae. Geochem. Cosmochim. Acta. 73: A576-A576.
Schönberg CHL, Suwa R, Hidaka M, Loh WKW (2008) Sponge and coral zooxanthellae in heat and light: preliminary results of photochemical efficiency monitored with pulse amplitude modulated fluorometry. Mar. Ecol. 29: 247–258.
Hirose M, Reimer JD, Hidaka M, Suda S (2008) Phylogenetic analyses of potentially free-living Symbiodinium spp. isolated from coral reef sand in Okinawa, Japan. Mar. Biol. 155: 105–112.
■計画研究 A02 「サンゴ礁生態系・物質循環共生系の素過程」
Higuchi T, Agostini S, Casareto BE, Yoshinaga K, Suzuki T, Nakano Y, Fujimura H, Suzuki Y (2013) Bacterial enhancement of bleaching and physiological impact on the coral Montipora digitata.
J.Exp.Mar.Biol.Ecol.440:54-60. doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2012.11.011.
Agostini S, Suzuki Y, Higuchi T, Casareto BE, Yoshinaga K, Nakano Y, Fujimura H (2012) Biological and chemical characteristics of the coral gastric cavity. Coral Reefs 31:147-156. doi: 10.1007/s00338-011-0831-6.
Casareto BE, Niraula MP, Suzuki Y (2012) Dynamics of organic carbon under different inorganic nitrogen levels and phytoplankton composition. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 102-103 (pp. 84-94) doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2012.03.019.
Charpy L, Casareto BE, Langlade MJ, Suzuki Y (2012) Cyanobacteria in Coral Reef Ecosystems: A Review. Journal of Marine Biology Vol. 2012. doi: 10.1155/2012/259571.
Weil E, Irikawa A, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y (2012) Extended geographic distribution of several Indo-Pacific coral reef diseases. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 98(2): 163-170. doi: 103354/dao02433.
鈴木 款 (2012) 海洋生態系の動態を理解する鍵―「化学共生」の重要性.
『Ship & Ocean Newsletter』 270:2-3.
Cuet P, Atkinson MJ, Blanchot J, Casareto BE, Cordier E, Falter J, Frouin P, Fujimura H, Pierret C, Susuki Y, Tourrand C (2011) CNP budgets of a coral-dominated fringing reef at La Réunion, France: coupling of oceanic phosphate and groundwater nitrate. Coral Reefs 30: 45-55. doi: 10.1007/500338-011-0744-4.
Irikawa A, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y, Agostini S, Hidaka M, van Woesik R (2011) Growth anomalies on Acropora cytherea corals. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62: 1702-1707. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.050033.
Suzuki Y, Casareto BE (2011) The role of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) in Coral Biology and Reef Ecology. In Coral Reefs: An ecosystem in transition. Ed. By Zvy Dubinsky and Noga Stamble.r doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-0114-4 Springer. London-New York.
Higuchi T, Fujimura H, Hitomi Y, Arakaki T, Oomori T, Suzuki Y(2010) Photochemical Formation of Hydroxyl Radicals in Tissue Extracts of the Coral Galaxea fascicularis. Photochemistry and Photobiology 86:1421-1426.
Charpy L, Palinska KA, Casareto BE, Langlade MJ, Suzuki Y, Abrd RMM, Golubic S (2010) Dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in microbial mats of two shallow coral reef ecosystems. Microbial Ecol. 59: 174-186.
Casareto BE, Niraula MP, Fujimura H, Suzuki Y (2009) Effects of carbon dioxide on the coccolithophorid Pleurochrysis carterae in incubation experiments. Aquat Biol. 7: 59-70.
Higuchi T ., Fujimura H, Arakaki T, Oomori T (2009) Synergestic effects of hydrogen peroxide and elevated seawater temperature on the metabolic activity of the coral Galaxea fascicularis. Marine Biology. 156: 589-596.
Fujimura H, Higuchi T, Shiroma K, Arakaki T, Hamdun AM, Nakano Y, Oomori T (2008) Continuous-flow complete-mixing system for assessing the effects of environmental factors on colony-level coral metabolism. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods. 70(6): 865-872.
Higuchi T Fujimura H, Ikota H, Arakaki T, Oomori T (2009) The effects of hydrogen peroxide on metabolism in the coral Goniastrea aspera. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 370: 48-55.
Higuchi T, Fujimura H, Arakaki T, Oomori T (2009) Activities of antioxidant enzymes ( SOD and CAT ) in the coral Galaxea fascicularis against increased hydrogen peroxide concentrations in seawater. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium. 926-930.
Agostini S, Suzuki Y, Casareto BE, Nakano Y, Fairoz MFM, Shiroma K, Daido K (2009) New methods to study the coral symbiotic complex: Application to vitamin B12.Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium. 917-921.
Agostini S, Suzuki Y, Casareto BE, Nakano Y, Hidaka M, Nesa B (2009) Coral symbiotic complex: hypothesis through vitamin B12 for a new evaluation. Galaxea JCRS 11: 1-11.
Casareto BE, Charpy L, Langlade MJ, Suzuki T, Oba H, Niraula M, Suzuki Y (2008) Nitrogen fixation in coral reef environments. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium.890-894.
Suzuki Y, Casareto BE (2010):The role of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in coral biology and reef ecology. In “Corals and Reefs: Their Life and Death” editted by Zvy Dubinsky. Springer.
■研究項目B 「歴史的変化」 |
■計画研究 B01 「ストレスとサンゴ礁の歴史的変化」
鈴木倫太郎, 長谷川 均, 前川 聡, 柴田 剛, 佐川鉄平, 後藤慶之, 市川清士
(2012) サンゴ礁浅海域における保全を目的とした地図の作製. 地図 50-1: 1-16.
Yamazaki A, Watanabe T, and Tsunogai U (2011) Nitrogen isotopes of organic nitrogen in reef coral skeletons as a proxy of tropical nutrient dynamics. Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L19605, doi:10.1029/2011GL049053.
長谷川均 (2011) 陸域の開発行為に伴うサンゴ礁環境の悪化 -石垣島白保サンゴ礁を例に-. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌 31-1: 73-86.
Murase T, Tanaka M, Tani T, Miyashita Y, Ohkawa N, Ishiguro S, Suzuki Y, Kayanne H, *Yamano H (2008) A photogrammetric correction procedure for light refraction effects at a two-medium boundary. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 74: 1129-1136.
Hyeong K, Shimamura M, Watanabe T, Yamano H, Sugihara K, Kim J (2008) Evaluation of Jeju/Tsushima hermatypic corals as sea surface temperature (SST) recorders. Ocean and Polar Research 30: 351-359.
Tsunoda, T., Kawahata, H., Suzuki, A., Minoshima, K., and Shikazono, N. (2008) East Asian monsoon to El Niño/Southern Oscillation: A shift in the winter climate of Ishigaki Island accompanying the 1988/1989 regime shift, based on instrumental and coral records. Geophysical Research Letters 35: L13708.
Fujita K, Osawa Y, Kayanne H, Ide Y, Yamano H (2009) Distribution and sediment production of large benthic foraminifers on reef flats of the Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Coral Reefs 28: 29-45.
山野博哉, 浪崎直子 (2009) 最前線のサンゴ:千葉県館山のエンタクミドリイシ群体の変化. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌 11: 71-72.
杉原 薫, 園田直樹, 今福太郎, 永田俊輔, 指宿敏幸, 山野博哉 (2009) 九州西岸から隠岐諸島にかけての造礁サンゴ群集の緯度変化. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌 11: 51-67.
渡邊 剛, 島村道代, 山野博哉 (2009) 北限サンゴ礁から採取されたキクメイシ属サンゴ骨格中の酸素・炭素同位体比. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌 11: 83-90.
Shimamura M, Hyeong K, Watanabe T, Irino T, Yoo CM, Kim WS (2009) Opposed trend of skeletal carbon isotopic ratios found in two different coral species collected from the same site: Genus-dependent responses. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 87-91.
Abe O, Watanabe A, Sarma VVSS, Matsui Y, Yamano H, Yoshida N, Saino T (2010) Air-sea gas transfer in a shallow, flowing and coastal environment estimated by dissolved inorganic carbon and dissolved oxygen analyses. Journal of Oceanography 66: 363-372.
■計画研究 B02 「サンゴ礁 ― 人間共生系の景観史」
Yamaguchi T, Kayanne H, Yamano H (2009) Archaeological investigation of the landscape history of an Oceanic atoll: Majuro, Marshall Islands. Pacific Science 63(4): 537-565.
Yamaguchi T (2009) Book review of ‘Vanished Islands and Hidden Continents of the Pacific’ by Patrick D. Nunn. People and Culture in Oceania 25: 101-105.
山口徹 ・甲斐祐介 (2008) ピット耕地の景観史―マーシャル諸島マジュロ環礁のジオアーケオロジー調査から. 『社会人類学年報』33: 129-150.
棚橋訓 (2010) 島の脆さ、島の強さ− オセアニアの環礁社会に思う. 『オセアニア』日本オセアニア交流協会. 81:1-3.
棚橋訓 (2010) 地図と権力―マーシャル諸島ローラ島の地図作製をめぐる権力作用の一考察. 『知の大洋へ、大洋の知へ―アジア経済研究所オセアニア研究シリーズ』彩流社: 167-202.
棚橋訓 (2009) 聖恩の景観史―マーシャル諸島にみる軍政期南洋群島統治の一断面. 日本オセアニア学会(編)『オセアニア学』京都大学学術出版会: 334-344.
Sato T, Khenzykhenova F, Yoshida K, Kunikita D, Suzuki K, Lipnina E, Medvedev G, Kato H. (2008) Vertebrate fossils excavated from the Bol'shoj Naryn site, East Siberia, Quaternary International 179: 101-107
阿部祥人, 奈良貴史, 佐藤孝雄, 鈴木敏彦, 渡辺丈彦, 米田穣, 澤田純, 澤浦良平(2010) 石灰岩洞窟遺跡における旧石器人の生活跡の調査と人骨の探求. 『動物考古学』27: 148.
Fukayama N (2009) Securing a turangawaewae in the urban area: a case analysis of the establishment of Papakura Marae. People and Culture in Oceania 25: 1-21.
深山直子・石森大知 (2010) 『沈む』島の現在―ツバル・フナフチ環礁における居住を巡る一考察―. 『史学』79(3): 57-75.
■研究項目C 「複合ストレス応答モデル」 |
■計画研究 C01 「地球温暖化に対するサンゴ礁の応答」
Hongo C, Kawamata H, Goto K (2012)
Catastrophic impact of typhoon waves on coral communities in the Ryukyu
Islands under global warming
Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 117:G02029,
Yamamoto S, Kayanne H, Terai M, Watanabe A, Kato K, Negishi A, Nozaki K(2012) Threshold of carbonate saturation state determined by CO2 control experiment. Biogeosciences 9: 1441-1450.
Hongo C(2012) Holocene key coral species in the Northwest Pacific: indicators of reef formation and reef ecosystem responses to global climate change and anthropogenic stresses in the near future. Quaternary Science Reviews 35: 82-99.
本郷宙軌(2011) サンゴ礁掘削研究の課題と展望:完新世のサンゴ礁生態系復元にむけて. 地質学雑誌 117: 265-276.
Hongo C, Kayanne H(2011) Key species of hermatypic coral for reef formation in the northwest Pacific during Holocene sea-level change. Marine Geology 279: 162-177.
Diaz-Pulido G, Harii S, McCook LJ, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2010) The impact of benthic algae on the settlement of a reef-building coral. Coral Reefs 29: 203-208.
Hongo C, Kayanne H(2010b) Holocene sea-level record from corals: Reliability of paleodepth indicators at Ishigaki Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 287: 143-151.
Hongo C, Kayanne H(2010a) Relation between species diversity and reef growth in the Holocene at Ishigaki Island. Pacific Ocean. Sedimentary Geology 223: 86-99.
本郷宙軌(2010)サンゴ礁と造礁サンゴを用いた完新世の高精度海面変動復元にむけて, 地学雑誌, 119: 1-16.
Hongo C, Kayanne H (2009) Holocene coral reef development under windward and leeward locations at Ishigaki Islands, Japan. Sedimentary Geology 214: 62-73.
Nakamura N, Kayanne H, Iijima H, McClanahan T R, Behera S K, Yamagata T (2009) Mode shift in the Indian Ocean climate under global warming stress. Geophysical Res. Lett. 36: L23708, doi: 10.1029/2009GL040590.
Yamaguchi T, Kayanne H, Yamano H (2009) Archaeological investigation of the landscape history of an oceanic atoll: Majuro, Marshall Islands. Pacific Science 63: 537-565.
Tokoro T, Kayanne H, Watanabe A, Nadaoka K, Tamura H, Nozaki K, Kato K, Negishi A (2008) High gas-transfer velocity in coastal regions with high energy-dissipation rates. Jour. Gophys. Res. 113: C11006, doi:10.1029/2007JC004528.
Suzuki A, Yokoyama Y, Kan H, Minoshima K, Matsuzaki H, Hamanaka N, Kawahata H (2008) Identification of 1771 Meiwa Tsunami deposits using a combination of radiocarbon dating and oxygen isotope microprofiling of emerged massive Porites boulders. Quaternary Geochronology 3: 226-234.
Harii S, Yamamoto M, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2010) The relative contribution of dinoflagellate photosynthesis and stored lipids to the survivorship of symbiotic larvae of the reef-building corals. Mar Biol 157:1215–1224.
Harii S, Yasuda N, Rodriguez-Lanetty M, Irie T, Hidaka M (2009) Onset of symbiosis and distribution patterns of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the larvae of scleractinian corals. Mar Biol 156: 1203-1212.
杉原 薫・園田直樹・今福太郎・永田俊輔・指宿敏幸・山野博哉 (2009): 九州西岸から隠岐諸島にかけての造礁サンゴ群集の緯度変化.日本サンゴ礁学会誌 11: 51-67.
菅 浩伸 (2009) モルディブ諸島にみる環礁立国崩壊の危険性 −災害と開発の連鎖−. 日本地理学会災害対応委員会・平井幸弘・青木賢人編『温暖化と自然災害−世界の六つの現場から』古今書院: 59-84.
■計画研究 C02 「複合ストレスの包括的評価・予測とサンゴ礁生態系応答モデル解析」
■公募研究 |
■公募研究 23年度〜24年度
 Wakahama T, Laza-Martinez A, Bin Haji Mohd Taha AI, Okuyama K, Yoshida K, Kogame K, Awai K, Kawachi M, Maoka T, Takaichi S (2012) Structural confirmation of a unique carotenoid lactoside, p457, in symbiodinium sp. Strain nbrc 104787 isolated from a sea anemone and its distribution in dinoflagellates and various marine organisms. J. Phycol., 48: 1392-1402. doi: 10.1111/jpy.12018.